We have various anti-wear parts and accessories for Jaw Crushers, Cone Crushers and Impact Crushers. We emphasize the Mantles and Concaves, Jaws, Blow Bars and various leaked and laminated accessories.
We have all kinds of screens for Aggregate Screens, from Wire mesh screens, rubber screens, Non-clogging wire screens, Polyurethane Screens and Perforated Metal Plates. We also supply all accessories such as tension plates, rubber rail liners, fixing screws, etc.
We provide complete Conveyors and all kinds of accessories used in this type of equipment. We also offer our customers, Conveyor Belts, Ribbed Conveyor Belts (chevron), Conveyor Rollers and Drums and all kinds of splicing accessories and bonding ranging from fasteners, superscrew, Belt repair bands, Adhesives, etc.
In the area of mechanical transmission, we have available to our customers, V-Belts, Pulleys and Taper-Locks, Sprockets and Chains, Electric motors, Motovibrators, Bearings and Housings, Hydraulic Pumps and Motors, Water and sludge pumps, Couplings, Springs and Anti-vibratig pads, as well as various transmission and attachment elements required.
We have several accessories for application in the most common Drilling Equipment in the market, namely TH Bits e DTH Bits, Extension rods, Shank adapter and Working tools for hydraulic hammers.